Credits recognition | Doctoral Program - Information Engineering and Computer Science

Credits recognition

  • Upon successful completion of the single course, the student will be awarded three credits.
  • Any completed doctoral courses, offered by other UniTrento Doctoral programmes or Universities,Master's Degree courses and online courses, will require their credits to be recognised.
  • All credits will be awarded following the approval by the PhD student's tutor/advisor.
  • Any proposed change to the manner in which course credits are awarded must be approved by the Executive Committee.
  • All courses must be completed after enrolment in the Doctoral programme. The Executive Committee may, at its discretion, grant exceptions in individual cases. 
  • Courses previously taken as part of the student's other degrees will not be considered.

Procedure for the recognition of credits

Courses offered by the PhD Programme

Students will automatically receive the corresponding credits as soon as the lecturer of the course sends the confirmation that they have passed the examination.

Master's degree courses

  • credits can be recognised for a maximum of one Master’s degree course;;
  • offered by UniTrento;
  • final examination/test at the end of the course;
  • the lecturer of the course must not be the advisor of the doctoral student requesting the recognition of the course credits;
  • the request for credit recognition must be motivated by the advisor;
  • approval by the Executive Committee.

Online courses

  • topic not overlapping with courses offered by the Doctoral Programme;
  • must be offered by a university;
  • final examination/test at the end of the course;
  • at least 20 hours long; 
  • content must be equal to the level of "post graduate";
  • approval by the Executive Committee.

Seminars and Summer/Winter schools

The attendance of seminars and Summer/Winter schools does not give course credits.

  • Seminars must be offered by the DISI Department (check out the DISI calendar);
  • Summer/Winter School must be at least 20 hours long.

In order for students to have their course credits or participation in seminars, summer schools or winter schools recognised, they are required to send an email to [at] with their supervisor copied on it. The email should contain the following information and documents:

  • name of the doctoral course/Master’s Degree course/online course/seminar/Summer/Winter school
  • organising University/Institution
  • place where it was held
  • starting and ending date
  • content
  • total amount of hours 
  • grade (if present)
  • certificate issued by /doctoral course/online course (attached to the email)