Transdisciplinary Programmes | Doctoral Program - Information Engineering and Computer Science

Transdisciplinary Programmes

application/pdfTransdisciplinary programs Regulations (IT)(PDF | 156 KB)
application/pdfRegulations_TP_Quantum_Science_ and_Technologies_(TPQST)(PDF | 426 KB)
application/pdfRegulations_TP_Space_data_and_technolgy_(SPADAST)(PDF | 471 KB)

The first-year doctoral Students of IECS Doctoral School can enrol on transdisciplinary programmes promoting cross-disciplinary research.

A transdisciplinary programme is an educational pathway that complements the Doctoral programme (primary programme) with an educational and research component in an additional discipline (secondary programme). The secondary programme integrates the primary one without changing the rules and constraints. It is possible to obtain the primary degree without obtaining the secondary degree, but not vice versa.

At the end of the programme, the PhD student will be awarded the title of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in in Information Engineering and Computer Science and Expertus/Experta in the discipline of the secondary programme.

PhD students can apply for the programmes within 2 months from the enrolment on the PhD course.

Available transdisciplinary programmes:

Transdisciplinary programme in Space Data Science and Technology (SpaDaST)

The Programme “Space data science and technology” (SpaDaST) aims at giving doctoral students in Physics and Engineering a shared background in space sciences and technology, with specific emphasis on data acquisition, processing and instruments, as well as on other fields of relevance for scientific space missions.

The SpaDaST programme leverages on significant research activities, carried out in Trento in several fields of space science and technology, mostly under the umbrella of the Trento Space Center.

These activities contributed to gain expertise in a diverse set of space applications: science data analysis, development of instrumentation for cutting edge missions in multi-messenger astrophysics, planetology and Earth observation.

In addition to the 12 credits required by the main PhD programme, the student of the SpaDaST programme has to acquire 6 additional credits by taking the fundamental course “Space based observation techniques and methods” – professors R. Battiston, L. Bruzzone, R. Dolesi, W.J. Weber (6 credits).

At the end of each year, the SpaDaST programme student presents his/her work in front of a commission appointed by the panel.

For details, visit

Transdisciplinary programme in Quantum Science and Technologies (QST)

The doctoral student enrolled in this programme will receive a state-of-the-art education in the basic ideas of quantum science, in the main material platforms used in experiments, and in the mathematical concepts used for their description, as well as in the information and computation science concepts that aim at exploiting QST for applications. She/he will be expected to carry out cutting-edge research on subjects of interest of the Q@TN consortium, possibly in collaboration with our international project partners.

In addition to the 12 credits required by the primary PhD programme in IECS, the QST programme student must complete the following courses:

  • Quantum Sensing - prof. Alberto Quaranta | 3 credits 
  • Quantum Machine learning - prof. prof.  Enrico Blanzieri | 6 credits, of which 3 credits will be considered as part of the 12 credits for the PhD primary programme in IECS.

For details on the requirements of the regulation of the QST programme, visit